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p-Coumaric acid

Short Description:

CAS No: 501-98-4
Catalog No: JOT-10305
Chemical Formula: C9H8O3
Molecular Weight: 164.16
Purity(by HPLC): 95%~99%

Product Detail

Product Tags

Product name: p-Coumaric acid
Synonym: p-Hydroxycinnamic acid
Purity: 98% + by HPLC
Analysis Method:  
Identification Method:  
Appearance: White powder
Chemical Family: Phenolic Acids
Canonical SMILES: OC1C=CC(=CC=1)/C=C/C(O)=O
Botanical Source: peel of black cherry (Prunus serotina), lentil seeds and from red clover (Trifolium pratense) and Daviesia latifolia. Occurs as many glycosides. Found by Bate-Smith in 48% of investigated dicotyledonous and 55% of monocotyledon

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